Japanese Tableware - Urban Nature Culture

Japanese Tableware

No matter how cold it may be outside, or how early darkness sets it, we hope you’ll wake up each morning with a light heart. Urban Nature Culture’s handmade, porcelain Wau and Jollof bowls are a revolutionized type of porcelain, created in Japan. After years of experimenting with the clay toughness, they’ve now managed to bring a light-weight porcelain – carrying a very special glazing that’s one with nature. A light-hearted bowl that’s hard to break, combining beauty with practice. Use it to set the table for a special dinner with friends – we’ll promise you, it’ll be a moment to remember. Nature’s filled with round shapes, organic lines and surprising patterns, found in the design of Urban Nature Culture’s Wau and Jollof bowls. Made with a very special, light-weight but strong porcelain, created in Japan, it carries a very special, unusual glazing – making it one with nature.
Who knows what you’ll be serving in this bowl – mixing and matching with other plates and bowls of our collection to fill them with delicious bites and dishes from every corner of the globe. Our Wau and Jollof bowls are more than happy to follow you on your culinary journey.

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